Breaking The Mold

I am reaching a point in my life where categorizing who I am has become partly impossible and partly unacceptable. Because we, as human beings, don’t just fit into one box. There’s no one single niche that contains the whole of us.

We change, we shift, we rapidly adapt. We become so many different things throughout the course of our lives. We will never stay the same over time, or at least most of us don’t. There is so much more to become and discover and learn and do. Always so much more. Children seem to understand this much better than we do after years of schooling that focuses more on grammar than it does on what happiness is. Or years of being told that you had to act only a certain way.

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Decision Fatigue

I want everything.

This has plagued me for, most likely, my whole entire life. I want my cake. I want to make it, eat all the batter, bake it, decorate it, eat the whole thing and still have it to admire. I want every single opportunity. I figure I could really follow any path and it would all be ok, I could do anything.

Herein lies the problem. I can’t pick any one thing to focus on.

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Cultural Wellness

Wellness is a big word. It’s a big concept and it pervades into seemingly everything these days. A lot of that might be marketing ploys (tip: its working) and a lot of it is also the world generally waking up that what we’ve been doing recently isn’t really, well, wellness.

In my studies in Anthropology leading up to my degree, we studied a lot of non-industrialised cultures and how they interacted with their environments without quite so much devastation.

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Family Matters

I was supposed to see my parents yesterday. They were going to arrive in Rotterdam at 7am for a whole nine days seeing the country I’ve started to call my own.

It was going to be awesome and full of fun and sunshine and beach bars and hugs (lots and lots and lots of hugs) and I’ve been looking forward to it for months. Months. I haven’t seen them in seven, to be precise and it starts to feel like too long.

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Change is Constant

I can be a pretty good ostrich about things I don’t like. I hide my head in the (proverbial) sand and pretend it’s not happening. My boyfriend is always reminding me that I have to pull my head out of the sand and it feels like a pretty common occurrence. I will continue this way until something massively shakes me and it’s then that I realize most of these things are subjects that I am deeply passionate and feel very strongly about. Generally speaking, politics, women’ rights, the uninformed and ignorant. Big or little, it is always a thing.

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